Listen To Me

You go to these sites. Now.

Here are a bunch of sites that I visit frequently, to either amuse myself or see something of interest. No porn links, but that's because I keep those private. Tee hee! And if you believe that, I'll tell you another. No really, I will. Where are you going?

I'm only putting this here because it is, quite simply, the best search engine in the world.


Well, I only found this site in late June and I can summarise it as follows: offers more than this site and does it in a much better way.

They linked to us, so I'm linking to them. Plus, I like the site. Go visit them. Now. Lives depend on it!

Fat Chicks In Party Hats

A cruel site, an obnoxious site, one that appeals to the evil person in all of us. Take a look, and read the comments by Miguel, a modern social commentator who lives inside a house of beef. Allegedly. Can sometimes border on the tasteless, but mostly funny. Go now.

Trigger Happy TV

A little-known television series that ran on low-viewing-figures Channel 4 (read: the one that gets all the good stuff) here in the UK. Dom Joly plays a thousand different pranks on unsuspecting members of the public, all for the viewing audience's pleasure. Here's the best bit: they're almost all funny. The site has clips of some of the pranks and plenty of other fun little distractions.

Pokey The Penguin

I like Pokey. You like Pokey. We all like Pokey. YES.


Phone Bashing is about - well - phone bashing. The people responsible hate mobile phones with a passion and as such choose to destroy them whenever they get the chance. There are clips of them succeeding at this task on their minimalist site. I think that this little piece from the site sums up the joy: "All the people concerned are real members of the public and no one was refunded for the loss of their mobile telephone. Shame!"

This website is © 2001 me. All pictures, sounds and other stuff which doesn't belong to me is © its respective owner(s). Everything else is a free-for-all. Steal anything I created (as if you'd ever want to) and I'll...well, I probably won't be motivated to do anything. But you never know. And yes, that is Colonel Sanders throwing a punch at this copyright notice. SMACK