Listen To Me

Quantum Leap: The Official Soundtrack

Review By: Gringo

First of all, don't blame me. I wasn't a great fan of Quantum Leap back in the days when it was on the television. I've seen the odd repeat now and again, but was never really moved to express any sort of opinion. However, my completely impartial view of the programme and its creators was forever changed by one little incident. Quite harmlessly, a CD found its way into my hands. It promised to be the official soundtrack to the television show - not that I'm aware any bootlegs exist. Could you be bothered to bootleg music from Quantum Leap? Getting back to my point, this CD turned my life around.

Okay, it didn't. But it made me see the show in a brand new light. And there's one real reason for this - the Alphabet Song Rap, as performed by Dean Stockwell.

Watch him get down with his bad self!

Starting with his inexplicable use of the word "Say it!" (which he proceeds to shout many, many times) Mr. Stockwell - a hologram called Al in the show - continues to mock the mentally challenged.

Calling a group of straight-jacket-wearing people "loony tunes in a big white room" isn't exactly what you'd call tact. However, you'll already be too awed by the synthesised drum beat and strange wailing noises in the background to care. After all, who's going to complain about being patronised when you can hear the guy who over-acted in Air Force One screaming "be down, be cool, nobody's gangsta fool!" at the top of his voice? The only loony tune round here is this song. Ha ha, I'm so witty.

The chorus is rather catchy. "ABCDEFGHIJK..." and so on. Although Y and Z are reserved for some hip-hop tip-top rapping by the Deanmaster himself. By the way, it's never revealed exactly what the listener is meant to say in response to Stockwell's increasingly frustrated demands to "Say it!". But you won't care. This is the song that made me see the error of my apathetic ways. I now love Quantum Leap. Well, I don't love the show - I've still not seen many episodes. But if this song is at all representative of what goes on, then I'm all for it.

I'd come up with a caption but I can't...stop...the...laughter...

Of course, the Alphabet Song Rap isn't the only jewel in the metaphoric crown of this CD. There's some other stuff on it; including Scott Bakula (the time-travelling guy in the show) singing Imagine and Blue Moon Of Kentucky. Quite how these two songs, by John Lennon and Elvis respectively, have found their way onto a Quantum Leap soundtrack has still got me scratching my head. But that could just be the lice. Dean Stockwell doesn't get a second song, which I consider to be a gross injustice.

One other benefit of the soundtrack is that the ultra-dull musical Man Of La Mancha (which apparently played a major role in one show) has been condensed into a handy six minute, eighteen second medley - meaning you'll never have to listen to the whole thing or pay an over-the-top ticket price to go and see it at the theatre. Great!

Be down, be cool!

If you're none the wiser about what Quantum Leap is, then rather handily the introduction from the show has been included on the CD. It seems that "theorising one could time-travel within his own lifetime, Dr. Sam Beckett stepped in to the Quantum Leap accelerator...and vanished!". Now kick me if I'm wrong, but I fail to see the connection between his theory and disappearing. Think about it: he devises a theory, and to test it he vanishes. Doesn't make much sense. Of course, the intro goes on to explain some more, but repeating it here would just negate the little rant I've just typed, so I won't.

Whilst Quantum Leap: The Official Soundtrack didn't compel me to watch the show more frequently, at least it gave me a rapping Dean Stockwell. That's a gift too precious to ignore.

Now all together - "Say it!".

This website is © 2001 me. All pictures, sounds and other stuff which doesn't belong to me is © its respective owner(s). Everything else is a free-for-all. Steal anything I created (as if you'd ever want to) and I'll...well, I probably won't be motivated to do anything. But you never know. And yes, that is Colonel Sanders throwing a punch at this copyright notice. SMACK